Pay-It-Forward Coaching Scholarship
CCI coaches share a profound belief in the power of coaching to change lives for the better. We believe that this power should be available to anyone who needs it, whether or not they have the resources to pay for professional coaching services. Putting our values into action, we have established ongoing scholarships to provide recipients with 10 hours of free life coaching from one of our accredited CCI life coaches.
Scholarship recipients and their coaches together determine a mutually agreeable time schedule for coaching sessions. The coaching takes place by phone, in 30- to 90-minute sessions, two to four times per month.
Why is it called a ‘Pay-It-Forward’ Coaching Scholarship?
Conscious gratitude plays an important role in achieving true satisfaction and life balance, and CCI coaches recognize the difference that others have made in positively shaping our respective paths in life. We want to use the skills and knowledge we have acquired along the way to perpetuate a chain of giving that ultimately has a positive impact on many lives. More than 95 percent of those who have worked with a CCI coach say they made significant progress toward their personal goals.
Our Pay-It-Forward scholarship comes with a challenge: recipients are asked to repay the scholarship by “paying it forward” to someone else, using what they have learned to benefit other people in some way. A retired worker who benefited from life coaching chose to “pay it forward” by volunteering at a local nature preserve, helping others to connect with nature in a way that benefits both people and the environment. An ex-felon who used the coaching service to explore ways to make himself marketable to prospective employers now speaks to young people about the long-term impact of bad short-term decisions. A college student struggling to discover his occupational passion took what he learned from life coaching and helped his younger brother to find his own path.
Benefits of Life Coaching include:
- Greater ability to deal constructively with personal issues or problems at the office
- Healing of problematic relationships at home or work
- Overcoming career roadblocks
- Reduced anxiety about major life transitions (e.g., a job change, marriage or divorce)
- Increased clarity regarding life goals and actions to achieve them
Who can benefit from a Pay-It-Forward Coaching Scholarship?
- Anyone who can clearly articulate the area in which they want to improve with the help of a life coach, and who has a rough idea how they will “pay it forward” in the future
What was the experience of coaching like for you?
My coaching experience has been wonderful, taking into account both personal and professional goals. I’ve worked on creating systems to deal with issues and resolve problems, to maintain focus, to find the ‘yes’ and to know when to say ‘no.’
-Daniel Soloway

My coaching experience was one of the best things I ever did for myself! My coach helped me through some difficult times in my life and encouraged me to take an active role in making my dreams become reality.
-Paul VanBuskirk
Coaching was a link in the chain of events and circumstances that led to a new chapter in my life. It prepared my mind to be open and accepting of what was ahead of me. I’m so glad I did it; it gave me breathing room and helped me to hear myself.
-Dave Glassman

For me, coaching was transformational. I went from being unemployed to having the job of my dreams and enjoying contentment in my personal life!
-Keelin O’Dwyer

As a working mom, I was exhausting myself for the sake of my family. I’m still a working mom, but I’m learning to take care of myself physically, mentally and spiritually, so that I have more to give to others.
-Leslie Meador

Coaching helped me move away from my story, get to the changes I wanted to make, and take the action steps needed for forward progress. This experience, more than any therapeutic experience I’ve had, helped me implement skills and lifestyle changes to get where I want to be.
-Amy Annette
I have boundless respect for my coach, who took me to places I never knew existed. Trust the process of coaching, even if it feels initially uncomfortable. The pay-off is rewarding!
-Steve Bloom

I was nervous about starting the coaching journey, but once we began, I really got into it. Coaching helped me discover what is truly fulfilling for me, and taught me that I am in charge of my own destiny; this gave me a renewed sense of engagement in my work.
-Laura Shroyer

Coaching provided a way to get off the hamster wheel of life. It allowed me to step back and look at the whole picture of my life, which helped me slow down and become more mindful and intentional about my next steps.
-Kelly Tice
Scholarships are available now.